The Little Witches Coven and Marching Society

The Visit

Liath Mactire

A visit from the local church may signal future problems for the Little Witches. Or perhaps not. The Little Witches often skate away where others would be deep in muck.

Chester was standing in the rain peeing off the steps of the front porch when three ladies from the Crow Valley We're Saved But You Ain't Church arrived to chat with the Little Witches. Their arrival was some time before Chesters Mistake was corrected at a Full Moon ceremony and so they had a opportunity for a truly grand view of the infamous penis. When the Chester and Weasel got those fine ladies back up off their knees they were unsure just what they had been praying for.

After the initial shock passed Lamprey, always the dutiful host, invited the ladies to the ritual room for discussion. After all, even though they followed a different path they deserved to be in the presence of the Goddess and her Consort while discussing matters spiritual. Lamprey created a very fine ritual room and her carved cedar altar could be the envy of any Pagan. The ladies must have thought it was really quite wondrous because they appeared to be struck speechless on the spot. All three of them stood open mouthed and wide eyed. Then they did the really unexpected and spontaneously dropped to their knees and began praying paying a fine compliment to the Goddess and Lamprey's work and dedication.

Lamprey is rather ambivalent about the practice of proselytizing being of the opinion that everyone has the right and responsibility to search out their own spiritual path. On the other hand here were three ladies apparently converting themselves to Paganism on a moments notice and with not a bit of guidance. Their faces reflecting what could be interpreted as a profound spiritual and emotional reaction as they gazed at the statue of the Goddess and the Horned God Calling Down of the Moon. That statue often has a similar effect on the Little Witches in the past. Lamprey thinks she may have been a bit hasty with her offer to have Chester and Weasel pop in to complete the Sacred Rite with the new Pagan converts but she certainly didn't expect them to faint. Perhaps they were simply overwhelmed by Lamprey's generosity and her willingness to share. Or maybe they were just in the throes of a spiritual awakening. Two of the ladies pitched forward on to spread themselves on the prayer mat while the third showed a wistful little smiled before hastily joining her fellow pilgrims.

Lamprey of course did not immediately understand that they had fainted from the excess of emotion at their spiritual awakening. Rather, she thought being prone was a perfectly valid way to express a new found love for the Goddess. She joined them and after a suitable period for meditation she began Calling Quarters. About that time Sally from the Alley, Ruth for Truth, Chester and Weasel came into the ritual room. They are all pretty fast on the uptake and saw immediately what was happening here. They didn't want to intrude into what was obviously a private spiritual matter and began to back out. Lamprey motioned for them to join the circle and so they did. The Little Witches often celebrate Skyclad by individual choice and so all four shucked their clothes at the door and after a moment for focusing and grounding they began a slow sensual dance of joy for the good fortune of the three ladies.

When the storm totally disrupted the electrical power and the Little Witches lit candles and continued the dance. When the ladies awoke the first thing they saw was the Little Witches dancing by candle light and the sight must have filled them with an aching to share their new insights for they leaped to their feet and left without ever a word of thanks or farewell. The Little Witches are expecting them for the next open circle.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:52:20